EliteWriterPro - All in One
1. Kruti Dev 010 Font
If you have Kruti Dev or DevLys Font and want to use that font in any document. Select Kruti Dev 010 in MS Word document and Select Kruti Dev Series in EliteWriterPro Font Layout. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.
2. AkrutiDevPriya Font
To use Akruti Fonts develpoed by Akruti Software, Select AkrutiDevPriya in MS Word document and Select Akruti Series in EliteWriterPro Font Layout. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.
3. Shree-Lipi (Shree-Dev7-001) font
If you Shree-Lipi fonts of any version and want to use that font in your design. Select Shree-Lipi Font in your document and Select ShreeDev Series as per help manual in EliteWriterPro Font Layout. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.
4. Mangal(Unicode) Font
Select Mangal Font in MS Word document. Select Unicode Output Font Type in EliteWriterPro. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.
5. Chanakya Font
To use Indica Fonts develpoed by Indica Software, Select Chanakya in CorelDraw document and Select Indica Series in EliteWriterPro Font Layout. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.
6. 4C Gandhi Font
To use 4C Plus Fonts develpoed by 4CPlus Software, Select 4C Gandhi in MS Word document and Select 4CPlus Series in EliteWriterPro Font Layout. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.
7. SOHindi01 Font
To use Shakti Office Devanagari Fonts develpoed by Shakti Office Software, Select SOHindi01 in MS Word document and Select Shakti Office Series in EliteWriterPro Font Layout. Now Activate EliteWriterPro by clicking on start button and start typing.